Have bored life, Stuck on daily routine, Stay in comfort zone.
I used to had these down moment. When these things happen to me; Its like the end of world is coming soon! But now imma try to get my real life back! and ready for happier life. Here's something that I want to share and hopefully your life will change to be better yahh!Check these out :p
1. Set your goal
Its not hard to set your own goal! Gampang-gampang susah sih tapi its really fun when you do brainstorming abt your life.Just ask your self and know what you want to achieve. I love to do it! that's why notebook gue banyak banget gambar-gambar ngak jelas bentuknya tapi jelas pathway-nya (amin semoga aja sesuai dengan jalan Tuhan juga)
2. Time management is important
I'm so so so bad in time management! even I missed my flight! hahaha but I'm willing to set my time management. Now or later is the matter of time; but it'll be better if we know which one is your priority. Up till now; gue kadang mis-manage; yang bukan priority gue malah di prioritized and it messes up everything. At the end; the regret always comes last lah yaaa. That's why, TIME MANAGEMENT IS IMPORTANT :)
3. Learn New Things
You know! I got my dad' DNA, dia suka coba hal-hal yang kadang-kadang terlalu new things for his generations. Gue cobain selagi itu make sense and enrich my knowledge and experience. Akhir-akhir ini gue suka baca and baca random information hahaha,its kinda fun oi! Coba deh kalian learn something new and find your self into it.
4. Give Your Life to Have Creative Thinking
You can think whatever you want! have creative mind and be free of it! I know, to get creative thinking is not easy; buy you can let your life enjoy every single creative music or film and then find your self being creative unintentionally. You know what, I found a facts (hana's fact that perhaps occurs on hana's life hahaha) We have unlimited creative thinking, just use it for purpose and it'll turn to life changing.
5. Explore and Go Out!!!
Explore what you have learned; the new things or your creative thinking. Its like you take an action! kalau gue baru nonton action movie neh, pengen nya coba nembak di senayan hahaha and I did it! for several times gue nembak di senayan; lumayan lho untuk melatih konsentrasi (BELAJAR FOKUS) dan fisik. And Go out! make a new friend will be more awesome. Idw; kalau ketemu orang baru I'm super exciting to know their story; it doesn't mean gue kepo ya! but I want to be a good listener; so I can listen people life' story and I can learn from it. One more things! Go and do something out of your comfort zone.
Just Share and I'm keep learning everything; sorry if you feel bad of it or it doesn't work on you. Please try another way! hehehe