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Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Comedy Program Effects Audience Sense of Humor

There was a phenomenal TV program and popular during Ramadan. The program was unique because there was a dance performance every single time. The dance called as goyang Cesar, which did by the audience and crew of that program. I guessed, you’ve already known what’s the program that I’m talking about. Yes, The program called YKS ( Yuk Kita Sahur ). The rating of this program was unbelievable and interested. Even YKS had the highest rating throughout Ramadan. According to secondary data of Nielsen survey[1], on first week, YKS only got 10’s share number. Then went to second week until third week the number of share became 20’s, it because YKS changed the concept and added more guest star on that program. After the changes, YKS share number developed to 30’s and even the last episode of this program, YKS almost reached 40’s share number. Then, YKS became the number 1 dawn program in Ramadan 2013. After the Ramadan moment, Trans TV re- runs YKS in morning time and surprisingly the feedback from audience was great. For example: One of the episode (august 19),YKS was success to reached TVR 1,6 and share 19,1 (for all station, all market).

The successful key of YKS is not only the dance goyang Cesar and the story line, but also the contribution of comedians who played. Some famous comedian like; Olga Saputra, Raffi Ahmad, Wendy & Denny Cagur, and friends played YKS. They collaborate with the audience when they’re acting. So, for the audience, it is interesting and communicative. But, When the comedians are acting, and communicating with one each other, sometimes they (comedian) unintentionally say bad worst and even execrable joke, like affront other comedian. For example: Olga called other comedian as “ Dongok”, Adul was called as the winner of Dog racing by other comedian. And even Wendi acted as disable person who asked for food. That’s why, on Jul 30th 2013, Indonesia Broadcasting Commission send the warning letter to YKS about violation of broadcasted ethic code according to Broadcasting Law about Broadcasting Behavior 2012, Clause 9,14, 15 verse (1) b, c and d, 15 verse (2), and 21 verse (1) about Standard of Broadcasting. [2]

Even thought KPI already gave warning letters twice to YKS, I thought the senses of humor of YKS comedian haven’t changed. Even the joke is getting worst. But people love it. Fans of YKS love the way of comedian’s joking. Last night, I asked my maid opinion about this program, and she said the joke quite normal and doesn’t contain anything bad, it just for entertain. So She thought, it’s not a big deal. Based on YKS target audience’s point of view (my maid), the joke sounds normal and even like daily joke.  

These some of tweet from YKS fans which can prove how people like this program. @ratnared: “This is officially my favorite show in indonesia #YukKeepSmiling #yks  From guest star and audience…”
@novarinadia “Hahahhaahaaaaaaaaaaa olga olga, u made my day #YKS". But for me who ever watched YKS, I thought the humor is bad and quite “garing” I don’t understand what they are laughing about.

 What I afraid of this case is people do not realize if they are influenced by what they watch. The bad sense of humor is recorded on their head and they repeat the joke in their real life. They thought, joke is only joke and it doesn’t tell the truth and it doesn’t means anything. The scary part for me is if they (audience) do not filter what they hear and watch, and at the end, they are influenced by the bad jokes and practically on their life. Automatically, audience’s sense of humor similar with what they watch and hear.

Even though there are regulations that control all of TV program. It doesn’t means the regulation can control the effect. What does TV program convey, it can be positive or negative depends on the audience itself. How the audience sees this program, does this program deliver good entertain or bad entertain for their life.


Written on september 2013

Monday, 21 April 2014

Internal Power of Dynasty Politic Party

During the election period 2014, all of the internal parties are hectic to manage and arrange the appropriate strategy to win the election. Because internal committee party will be the one who in charged of all responsibility of election result, and one of them is the leader. That’s why, a leader of party certainly have a solid team and right-hand person to help him or her to running the internal committee party.

Actually most of leader parties in Indonesia are strong figure and skillful enough to lead and control the party. Even though, how great they are, they (leader) have a secret key to sustain their position, which is authority or power in party 
A power can regulate the system politic in their party. The power can derived from they contribution in politic for long-term period, so they have capability as the leader because of his or her experience, and also he or she can build the power through his or her track record in politic organization. Or they come from politic family, which become the background for his or her to running as a leader. This kind of leader has a transmission power from the family. All parties leader who has power and authority of party absolutely will not let the party go with someone who has no contribution. They will set their right-hand or their representative to be the internal of the parties, in order to help his or her to control the party.

This kind of power transmission will raise dynasty politic in party. For me, the most interesting transmission power in party is when a parent gives credibility to their children. This is a public secret when there is a leader put their children in the structure of organization or party. I though this is a funny phenomena where the leader being afraid of losing his or her power in party. If they are really good, they suppose to be confidence and will not have negative thinking if they will loss the power, right? There are some examples of dynasty politic; PDIP leaded by Megawati and now she looks like transfer her power to her daughter Puan Maharani, who officiated as Chief of DPP-PDIP in Politic. NasDem that leaded by Surya paloh also put his son in the commite as the Head of Gadra Pemuda NasDem. Also Demokrat in their crisis stage, SBY set his son Edhie Baskoro Yudhoyono to be the jendral secretary (sekjen) of Demokrat.

These three parties becomes the sample of power transmission in internal party. I believe, there is a secret motivation to put their child in the party committee. But basically, transmission of internal power actually aims to keep maintaining the structure of party and also control the role of leader who owns the power in a party. But there is misuse of power transmission, which gravitates to create personal importance in party. I though, the effect of having internal power in dynasty politic will interfere the value of politic. Also there will be have a politic deal between internal committee. Afterward, this phenomenon will affect to socio-politic in Indonesia If I see in macro side. Thus I really disagree of this kind of political form in party.

Even though the family relation is strong enough to do power transmission, I think it will not work as they thought. Nowadays, people in internal party are smarter and they will have back up strategy to oppose the discretion if they feel the power transmission between families will affect the party’s work ethic. 

I feel regret of this kind of private importance in a party, which transform power. It can affects to the democracy system generally later. We will not see the effect now, but later on when the dynasty politic become the kingdom which control the politic system in Indonesia. And the worst thing is there is not law, which establish the dynasty politic in party. My assumption, if the dynasties politic will continue to the next level that can generate the feudalism in party. Feudalism that I mention means negative effect of having more power to control. The leader will think if they have absolute authority. So, they will feel full ownership of the party.  

Hopefully, this kind of power transmission in internal party will not continue in the next election. Because if this happen over and over for long term, my assumption is this democracy country will be change to the monarchy system.

Media, Pedang Bermata Dua.

Beberapa minggu belakangan ini, semua media sedang dihebohkan dengan pemberitaan tentang pencabulan anak. Dari pencabulan anak di salah satu TK Internasional hingga berita pencabulan balita 18 bulan oleh ayahnya sendiri yang juga seorang anggota TNI di Medan, Sumatera Utara[1]. Bermula dari kejadian kriminal di ibu kota, sekarang menjalar menjadi sebuah mimpi buruk bagi orang tua di seluruh Indonesia. Media tidak mau kehilangan kesempatan, media beramai-ramai mengangkat topik  pelecehan dan pencabulan anak yang dikarenakan memiliki NEWS VALUE, dimana para audience memiliki ketertarikan untuk membaca, mendengar bahkan mencari tahu berita tersebut. News Value ini menjadi sebuah nilai jual yang menguntungkan.  Maka dari itu, segala macam pemberitaan tentang tindakan pencabulan atau pelecehan seksual dibawah umur seakan menjadi trending topic bernilai jual tinggi. Dan hal ini mengingatkan saya terhadap sebuah pernyataan di dunia media; Bad News is Good News. 

Peran media dalam mengangkat berita ini sangatlah menarik, karena media seperti pedang bermata dua; misalnya mengungkap berbagai kasus-kasus pelecehan atau pencabulan anak lainya di tanah air. Sebelum kejadian pelecehan anak TK internasional beredar, media hanya mengangkat sebagian kasus pelecehan terhadap anak smp atau sma. Namun, semenjak berita anak TK ini terkuak, media mampu menyuarakan lebih banyak kasus seperti ini yang terjadi di daerah. Di satu sisi lainnya, media juga seperti pedagang musiman yang menjajakan daganganya hanya pada masa-masa panen untuk memperoleh keuntungan. Media menjadikan kejadian ini sebagai sebuah bisnis untuk meningkatkan nilai jual beritanya.

Pengaruh media dalam memberitakan kejadian ini  menjadi keprihatinan saya, karena seakan-akan media memberikan mimpi buruk kepada penonton, khususnya orang tua yang memiliki anak kecil. Sangking terlalu banyaknya pemberitaan tentang kasus pencabulan anak, kebanyakan orang tua mulai resah dan merasa anak-anaknya tidak aman. Padahal anaknya baik-baik saja. Namun kecemasan orang ini, menjadi boomerang bagi sang anak untuk bebas menjalani kehidupan sebagai seorang anak kecil. Orang tua semakin memperketat kontrol terhadap anaknya. Baik memang, namun semakin orang tua mengkonsumsi berita seperti ini, orang tua akan semakin menjadi super protektif terhadap anak. Makadari itu, sebagai orang tua pun harus pandai menyaring berita. Jangan sampai orang tua terbawa oleh pengaruh penyampaian berita oleh media. Silakan menanggapi :) 


Monday, 7 April 2014

Misteri Dibalik Tarian Kecak

"KEH-chahk" demikianlah pengejaan nama sebuah tarian terkenal yang berasal dari pulau dewata,Bali. Tarian massal yang dijuluki sebagai "Tarian Api atau Tarian Monyet" yang pada umumnya di lakukan oleh para kaum pria, dan melibatkan setidaknya 50-150 penari dalam setiap pertunjukannya. Tarian yang di ciptakan oleh Wayan Limbak dan Walter Spies pada tahun 1930-an, sudah mencuri perhatian wisatawan local maupun mancanegara. Namun tidak banyak wisatawan yang menyadari bahwa tarian kecak ternyata memiliki sebuah sisi mistis yang dapat membuat jantung anda berdetak seirama ketukan musik kecak.

Sebelum melakukan tarian ini, para penari diharuskan untuk melakukan berbagai persiapan. Di mulai dari persiapan spiritual, karena tarian ini berasal dari jenis tari sakral "Sang Hyang" [1], dimana para penarinya akan kemasukan roh halus dan dapat berkomunikasi dengan dewa atau leluhur. Bagi masyarakat Hindu, ritual tarian ini dapat mengusir roh-roh jahat. Lalu persiapan lainnya, para penari diwajibkan menggunakan kain bercorak kotak-kotak persegi dengan warna hitam-putih seperti papan catur atau sering di sebut sebagai kain Saput Poleng. Kain ini memiliki makna filosofis yang direfleksikan dari kehidupan kita yaitu baik dan buruk  yang dalam kehidupan agama Hindu.

Selama pertunjukan berlangsung, penonton akan disajikan musik dari para penari. Tapi tidak seperti tari bali lainnya menggunakan gamelan sebagai musik pengiring tetapi dalam pementasan tari kecak ini memadukan seni dari suara-suara mulut atau teriakan-teriakan seperti "cak cak ke cak cak ke" sehingga tari ini disebut tari kecak. Ritme yang diucapkan oleh para penari dapat menghadirkan aura mistis bagi penonton.

Walaupun tari kecak memiliki unsur mistis, tidak ada salahnya bagi anda yang sedang berlibur di bali untuk dapat menyaksikan dan menikmati tarian kecak sebagai sarana hiburan. Pada umunya, tari kecak diselenggarakan di daerah-daerah wisata, seperti: Uluwatu dengan harga tiket 75.000. Dan Anda akan dimanjakan alur cerita yang menarik dan kepiawaian para penari.

[1] Sebutaan bagi Tuhan yang Maha Esa dalam agama Hindu Dharma masyarakt Bali.  
Written in October 2013